Gwallog ap Llaennog

Gwallog ap Llaennog (several Middle Welsh variant orthographies include Gwallawc fab Lleynawc ; standard Welsh : Gwallog ap Llëenog or Llëynog) was a hero of the Hen Ogledd and probable 6th century king of the sub-Roman state of Elmet in the Leeds area of modern Yorkshire.

He joined a group of Brythonic kings, including Urien Rheged, Rhydderch Hael and Morgant Bwlch of Bryneich, in an attempt to defeat the Angles of Bernicia. This endeavour failed after Urien was slain by Llofan Llaf Difo.

Another tradition asserts that Gwallog later made war against Urien's former kingdom of Rheged in concert with Dunod Fawr of the Northern Pennines, attacking Urien's sons.

In some sources, Gwallog is given the epithet Marchog Trin, meaning "battle horseman". If his identification as king of Elmet is correct, he was succeeded by his son Ceredig, the last king of Elmet, who was deposed by St. Edwin of Deira.

Over time, Gwallog evolved into a semi-mythological figure akin to Arthur. In the medieval text "Geraint son of Erbin", he is named as one of Arthur's knights and also appears in the Welsh triads as one of the "Three Armed Warriors of the Island of Britain" and one of the "Three Battle Pillars of the Island of Britain". Gwallog is also mentioned in the Black Book of Carmarthen poem "Ymddiddan Gwyddno Garanhir a Gwyn ap Nudd" as one of the slain warriors escorted to their graves by Gwyn ap Nudd, the lord of the Welsh Otherworld.